Newly Blogging
Azzip Pizza is known for delicious pizza, warm, melty cookies, and thoughtful, insightful and downright thought provoking blog posts? Okay so we can’t claim to be quite there yet with the blog thing. This is our first post so I guess you could say we are on the right track.
So why did we start this blog? And why should you spend your time reading it? Glad you asked! First and foremost, this blog is meant to serve as a way to better connect with you, our customers. Social media platforms are a great place to engage, but they don’t allow for us to communicate as deeply or transparently as we would like. We want to tell our story long-form, and give you an inside peek at our people, stories, and ingredients. We want to talk about our struggles as well as our successes. We want to ask for advice and give some out about the lessons we learned along the way. We want you to know there are real people, a family even, behind the pizzas. We want to show a level of transparency and vulnerability you rarely see from a business. Ultimately, we want this to be educational for you and for us.
We want to show a level of transparency and vulnerability you rarely see from a business.
So what can you expect? We plan to have a couple pieces of new content every week. There will be posts from all members of the Azzip team. The topics will range from the story behind the Westsider (or E’Vil Pig for everyone outside of Evansville) to our approach to employee engagement to discussions about the struggles and rewards of entrepreneurship. From information about ingredients and their sourcing to highlighting employees or We Give A’Zip partners who are doing great things in our community. We may even give you a scouting report on everyone’s ping-pong skills.
Expect this to be informal, light, and fun. On that note, we do have an immediate request for forgiveness from all our former English teachers. You were great teachers, we were just poor students.
Thanks for being a part of our journey over the first three years, and we hope this blogserves as a way to strengthen our relationship.
–Team Azzip
PS. Let us know in the comments if there are any topics that you want us to cover along the way!